Ghana Mission Trip

March 17, 2015

Just about two years ago, I was privileged to go on a mission trip to Ghana that deeply affected my life. This year I am lucky enough to get to go back to Ghana again at the end of May for 2 weeks. This trip is going to be focused in the Kumasi region of Ghana at the Tetrefu Integrated Community Center for Employable Skills (ICCES). The goal of this school is to educate both men and women in a trade skill that they can use to make a living.

The biggest challenge the school faces is lack of desks and tools. Our group is going to bring funding for supplies to create new desks, then help at the school to build the desks while we are there. The Tetrefu ICCES also is looking to have a new water pump and store installed to help at the school. Our group is looking to help raise money for the trip, including the supplies and the water pump. You can find more information about the fund raising at

I am super excited for the trip and to experience a different area of the country. As with last time, I will be journaling the entire trip to share when I get back, as well as doing some presentations, so if you have questions, feel free to send them along in the comments.