StumbleUpon – Pick of the Week

March 30, 2008

StumbleUpon is a service that I heard about awhile ago, but really got into in the last few weeks.  Basically you install a toolbar for your browser and choose the types of sites you like.  Then clicking the Stumble! button, you are taken to a random site that has been favorited by other people on the web.  You can also add sites you like through the toolbar and keep track of favorites as well.  So far I have found a lot of neat new sites through use of the Stumble button.  It is also great if you are looking to kill about 5 minutes on a new site.

There is also a social aspect of the service which I have not gotten too into, however if you want to check out my profile it is at  There you can find sites that I have favorited through the service.

Pick of the Week is my way of highlighting cool/new services and software on the web or the Mac. A few Windows applications might sneak in from time to time, but it will be rare. You can find an archive of services and software at