
October 14, 2008

Sorry about the delay on the Pick for last week, there was a transition of web hosts that caused DNS delays.  That being said, the site is back and ready to go and therefore, ready for a new pick.  This week I finally get to pick ScribeFire, something I had hoped to pick someday.  ScribeFire is a Firefox extension that allows you to post to your blog without going to your blog.  The biggest thing holding me back from picking it was support for both categories and tags in WordPress, but now both are supported and work great.

ScribeFire also supports working offline with drafts saved locally, posting to a page instead and all the expected blog editor features, but the plus side is that ScribeFire is free.  There are a number of other features that I am not using, but might be of interest if you are a hardcore blogger, such as the Monetize feature.