iDevice Apps Picks

November 3, 2008

This week I have decided to make a few picks for the iPhone/iPod Touch.  I have been avoiding doing these since I didn’t want to bog down the picks of the week with a bunch of apps people might not be able to use.  But there are some good apps out there, so I thought I would share some of my picks (all free apps):

Lux Touch – I love Risk and this is a great 5 minute version where you play computer opponents.  The controls are intuitive using touching countries to perform the attacks.

Instapaper – The biggest issue with reading articles in the iPod Touch is that you have to be in a wifi area to load up the article.  Instapaper allows you to save articles to read later from your desktop browser, and then the iPhone app allows you to download it for offline reading.

Pocketpedia – If you are a fan of the Bruji Pedia apps, this is a great addition.  You can sync with the desktop versions to get all of your stuff on your mobile device.  You can also make collections that live on the device exclusively.

Trace – A clever game that is kinda like Lemmings, but instead of using tools to work your way though the level, you use your finger to draw a path to walk on.