Trying to be anti-Mircosoft

September 27, 2006

With getting my Mac back with a new hard drive, I have been installing software on a need to use basis.? It has taken about a week, but I finally got around to needing a Microsoft Office program, specifically Excel.? I was in a meeting at the time, so there was a minor panic moment.? I then remembered that I have access to Google Spreadsheets somehow, so I decided to give that a whirl.? It opened the Excel document without problem, so at that point I thought about not installing Office and seeing if I can get by without it.? From Google I have Writely and Spreadsheet to cover Word and Excel.? I am also using Apple Mail, so that covers Entourage for Mail and I have Outlook Web Access to manage my Exchange calendar.? I am also considering using Google Calendar in conjunction with my Exchange calendar to see how that goes.? I hardly ever use PowerPoint, so I am not really concerned about that.? I think I can make it work, but I would be interested to hear other opinions about my plan.