Site Redesign and Changes in Progress

May 8, 2006

I havn’t posted in awhile, so I figured I should put something up here to make sure people don’t think I have abandoned the site. First off, I am still working on the new site layout, however not as much as I would like to. This is mainly because I am either lazy or have other things to do after work. I do have the testbed setup with the widget engine installed. The widgets are actually rather slick and will make it much easier to make the sidebar changes I occasionally like to do. Speaking of sidebar changes, I have updated the link to Rebekah’s site and added her new RSS feed in as well. I also got rid of two of the things on the side, the movie reviews section and the comics section. I have decided to stop doing the movie reviews. We have gone through lots of movies since the last review and I don’t want to go back and do more, so instead, they are done for now. The comics section also isn’t getting updated, mainly because I don’t want to put more effort into the currect comics section when I am working on a new one. Lastly, I finished Speaker for the Dead and it reminded me how good of a book it is. I actually think that it is better than Ender’s Game. I am taking a quick break from starting Xenocide to read the classic comic Watchmen. Wolcott loaned it to me awhile back so I should get started so I can return it soon.