New Work Computer

May 24, 2006

I have been waiting for my new computer for about a week now, which had postponed some of the web development work I was planning on doing for Marktopia. Yesterday it did arrive, a brand new shiny MacBook. In the 24 hours I have had the machine I am absolutely wowed by it. The computer is just the right size for me, not the large 15 inch display, but the 13 inch widescreen that has about the same pixel size as the MacBook Pro. I am in progress of moving everything from my previous laptop and officially moving from the Windows to Mac world. The biggest pain in the ass so far, Entourage’s inability to import Outlook PST files. I was able to use Thunderbird on the PC to open the PST files, save as MBOX files, then import them into Entourage, so it wasn’t a huge hassle. In any case, more postings will be soon as I likely rant and rave about the new computer


I’m blown away by the number of incompatibilities that Entourage has with other Microsoft products. I could understand if it didn’t open Lotus e-mail, but yeesh! Hey MS Mac developers… walk to the other side of the MS campus and talk to the PC developers. Looking at the not-quite-there performance of Entourage with Exchange, I guess I can’t say I’m surprised it doesn’t open PST files.

So… did you get the black MacBook?

Comment by Scott — 5/23/2006 @ 7:07 pm

No, he’s not that cool….Uh, I mean it wasn’t in the budget.

Comment by Scott — 5/24/2006 @ 10:30 am