MizCD 1.1

May 1, 2006

I have worked a bit to get a couple new features for MizCD so I figured it was time for an update. It includes the new style I have been using on my site and a couple other small things. The bigger news is that MizCD now has it’s own home on Marktopia. I have created a page specifically for MizCD that contains the downloads, version history and a demo of MizCD for people who want to try it before downloading. The demo site allows access to the admin section as well.

Because MizCD now has the /mizcd folder on the site, my personal collection has moved to /music for those of you interested. I am still working on adding all my albums, but it goes slow. Hopefully I will feel motivated tonight and get a bunch more entered.

All of these changes are in preparation for a new Marktopia frontend that will change some of the sidebar stuff and be a little more flexible for what I have on my frontpage, so stay tuned for that. I am also still working on my new comics site. The Ruby on Rails distraction has once again gotten under my skin so I have to work through that before going back to PHP like I always do.

1 Comment

unrelated…BUT…you should update the link to Rekabutt’s new blog site

Comment by ScatASStic — 5/5/2006 @ 9:43 am